It was 1400 years ago when in 613 CE a mortal man by the name of Muhammad preached that there is only One God and that he is His Messenger for all mankind. He brought teachings that would soon change the whole entire world and brought upon not only a spiritual enlightenment but carried with himself everlasting message of peace, justice, compassion and humanity which were long lost in the dark desserts of Arabia.
The world witnessed a magnificent Islamic Golden Age emerged afterwards in 150 years, from the majestic city of 8th Century Baghdad. It was truly a global capital of knowledge and wisdom, the ultimate centre of multidisciplinary scholarly learning ranging from natural sciences, religious studies, medicine, humanities, philosophy, literature, engineering and cultural arts. Along with Córdoba and Cairo, Islamic Civilisation created an intellectual movement unparalleled in over 500 years that undoubtedly contributed to the European Rebirth or the Renaissance
The world witnessed a magnificent Islamic Golden Age emerged afterwards in 150 years, from the majestic city of 8th Century Baghdad. It was truly a global capital of knowledge and wisdom, the ultimate centre of multidisciplinary scholarly learning ranging from natural sciences, religious studies, medicine, humanities, philosophy, literature, engineering and cultural arts. Along with Córdoba and Cairo, Islamic Civilisation created an intellectual movement unparalleled in over 500 years that undoubtedly contributed to the European Rebirth or the Renaissance
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